Friday, June 19, 2009

So, What's New?

Well, a bunch, starting with the Blog banner and the updated Ride web site. I owe a BIG thank you to Jim at EMCC for his part in donating time against the cause in managing and updating the site.

The training to ride events for Lab Rescue/Shelters means even more to me this year. Sadly, on May 2 we lost our sweet chocolate girl, Emily. It was a long, tragic night that I will not soon forget with her seizures, dementia and fear. The most touching moment is when she drifted off and out of our world, she smiled. Her discomfort and long suffering had ended. I still miss her every day.

One dog, being Shilo, means twice as much love and attention and three times the walks! We are trying to get her weight down and it is working a little but it tends to be offset by extra "cookies."

A recent trip to Minnesota has me on a new cycling quest: The Three-Speed Tour next May. This group rides, eats and toasts their way around a 72 mile route along Lake Pepin riding vintage English 3-speeds and wearing vintage garb. Looked like a hoot and I hope I can make join in next year, possibly with a teammate or two!

My return to FL made me realize that I was REALLY belated in training for our late summer fall events. Yes, our "season" starts very late, I train at the worst possible time of year, in the most unbearable climate. Never said I was smart, just dedicated. My first plan of action was to join a new gym (more on that later) and get our new jersey's done. Gratefully, we had many business sponsors this year, enough to cover the cost of the production. Even during a difficult economy, friends and animal lovers have come through with much appreciated support.

Rather than continue on blathering about my weight training experience -- I will save that for the next post -- I will sign off for today. The heat index's are in the triple digits and dangerous. Even lawn work seems to be life threatening! Being Father's Day I want to wish all the GREAT dad's I know a happy day: Leonard, Larry, Mike, Eric, Chris, Kevin, Bob and David in Heaven. Shilo managed a great gift for me too, the request for a new sister! Look out Lab Rescue, here we come!

Spin On