Friday, August 14, 2009

Quad Killers

So, based on last weeks apathy, I determined that it is best if I put my sessions with T3 on hold until after my Century season. Thankfully, I got his voice mail. Last Friday we did balance basics, like one leg hops forward and backward, trying to stick the landing on one goat-like foot while not touching down or hopping. Man it was hard and hugely cardio. I was not great and wobbled a lot. I did that until I could do each set with five "perfect" landing. Take that Mary Lou Reton! Now I'm just dating myself. Which leads me to say I am glad to have Nifi back in town. So is Shilo -- I think she smiled for an hour.

Anyway, I did make Spin twice this week and the road once so far. I am amazed that my quads are still a little tender from last Friday's antics but nothing to keep a good goat down.

I am getting really excited about the upcoming Riverlution and getting all my schwag in order.

The Cycle Continues