Friday, May 9, 2008

Birthday Wishes

Today is the Nifi's birthday. Being a good husband, I will not disclose how old she is, but suffice to say there is less emphasis placed on celebrating them the past few years:) I'm just glad that she is excited about her birthday this year and hopefully I will not disappoint in the gift giving department!

Being that it is a special day today, I felt it was best to do a longer ride last night and stay in tonight even though Thursday was a scheduled rest day. I did 20+ miles and kept a good clip going, upping my average speed again. I kept in the big chain-ring despite some hefty headwinds. I was amazed at how just a little more cadence or upping one free-wheel gear translated into instant speed. I am much more of a cadence rider, but pushing a big gear was fun last night.

The unknown cloud of Emily's prognosis hangs over my head like an annoying little drizzle. We are to hear back no sooner than Monday. I promised Nifi not to tell her on her birthday if we get bad news so I am hoping for no news today. She seems very active and happy so I am going with that and prayerful we will get a treatable diagnosis. Thanks to those who have wished us well and to those who visited Fat Cyclist. Fortunately, Susan is seeing some relief now.

It occurred to me last night as I rode into the wind, for the third time trying (successfully) to beat my last lap. One of my goals for Mountain Mama (and cycling in general) is not to give myself a mental "out". I think I have a stronger "flight" versus "fight" reaction. Mine comes in the form of seeking that little nagging rationalization to stop just short. It is also a creative minds excersize in finding alternative solutions, I believe. So, along with building muscle, I will continue to endeavor to build character.

Spin On

Wednesday, May 7, 2008


Weight: As in mine and increase in lifting.

Last night was time at the gym with the trainer. We upped the leg weight a little and used more machines in faster succession. It was fun and better cardio. The most painful thing? My sunburn, still tender to the touch. Still can't seem to lose that extra 5-7 LBS despite my efforts.

Nifi is out tonight so it's me and the girls. I hope to pull the 6000 in and accomplish what I did not get done on it last night. Took all my might to remove one grip! But hey, i'm a roadie and we are not known for upper body strength.

Thanks to all those visiting the Ride2TheRescue site, pledging and bolgging. This little grass roots effort has legs!

Spin On.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

How Cool

How cool is this:

Win Susan!

Got my Fat Cyclist socks today and my Ergon grips for the 6000 -- very comfy. I had hoped to put them on last night but put on layers of aloe instead to sooth the skin.

Hope to weight train tonight.

Spin On

Monday, May 5, 2008


So, Friday pretty much sucked. My emotions were zapped all day long. I typically love to start my day reading various cycling blogs, but the news of Elden and Susan at Fat Cyclist came from out of the blue to me, and I am sure hundreds of other readers. The part that struck me as odd is the heartfelt connection I had to someone I have never met, nor even spoken to. I felt a little helpless in the fact I could only send a reply with words that can do little. Susan has been diagnosed as terminal now. Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers. If you can, send them a note of support and encouragement, he shares them with Susan and I am sure it is good medicine, too.

I had to say goodbye to an eight year employee at the days end. He is a friend too who really got me psyched to bike again a few years back -- we even rode over our lunch hour for a spell. Here I am optimistic for both our journey's as we move forward, hopeful we can still connect as friends.

On the way home I collected Emily from the vet. News there is inconclusive to bad. She has a bad left hip and bad right hock joint. They sent xrays out to be read by a radiologist (7-10 day wait) but there is a chance she has a tumor in the hock joint. The options are not good for treatment and make our choices quite clear. We are hopeful that it might be soft tissue damage from arthritis which we can treat. Seven plus days is a long time for us -- a gift for others.

Finally the AC went out that night. Fortunately it was cool out and dry so we were comfortable and it was fixed first thing in the morning.

As for cycling... I was too drained to do Spin Class and had to prep for a Client event that morning anyway. I did manage to get some supplies for the 6000 though and ride 27 miles that afternoon. I felt sort of slow and not much fight in me against the wind, but had to do the distance.

Sunday Nifi and I went boating with Todawgz. I wanted to ride, she wanted to garden and clean house but these opportunities don't come up often. The weather was fantastic, the beer was cold and the company was gracious. Now I have a nasty burn on my chest, stomach and tops of my feet! How long have I lived here?? What a rookie. I have some degree of sun poisoning and a massive peel to come. I might not ever eat lobster again.

Spin On