Thursday, February 21, 2008

Enjoy The Read

Here is a nice, fun read courtesy of The Fat Cylist on Team Astana getting back into the TdF. 

Not training last night, family stuff (rich food, good conversation and a glass or two of wine) late into the evening. Tonight is Core with Edmund the Terrible and hopefully I can get a long ride in over the weekend.

Spin On

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

I Needed That

I have been off the bike for a few days and work has been an a** kicker. Add house guests, beer, wine, outdoors to the mix and you end up with one tired little goat. I was just at that point where you know you need to work out or continue a downward spin. So, since they canceled the Tuesday evening Spin Class that left me with Core. I couldn't face the whole gym scene and decided to hit The Rankroom™ instead.

I spun a high cadence for about 45+ minutes, working the gears up every five minutes. I did manage to sweat like a pig and feel better when I finished. It took off a lot of stress of the day(s).

I ordered a new wheel block and climbing lift from Nashbar because the current block slides on the floor a bit. As for climbing, the Mountain Mama 2008 registration forms are online -- time to enter again and begin Ride2TheRescue fundraising in earnest. Oh yeah, training too.

Spin On