Tuesday, July 24, 2007

No Show Mojo

Any suggestions on a good taper workout schedule? I had a rest day Monday and was to train this morning but the alarm and wheels just flew off. I had signs of over-training Sunday and think my system wants the rest.

Any info would be appreciated.

As for equipment changes, since I have a warranty issue I think I might upgrade to a carbon Bontrager crank. Yummy.

Pedal and Paddle


Anonymous said...

The worst thing to happen to an athlete (yes, I think we can refer to ourselves as that) is injury. Not only do you have to stop the conditioning, but you lose ground so fast with fitness while down.

That being said, I try to listen to my body tell me when to workout and how hard to push.

One of the benefits of replenishing carbs/protein/electrolytes/hydration post-workout is a quicker recovery time. I can feel it in my legs when I forget to properly recover with food/drink. I have read that the optimal window for replenishment is within 30-60 minutes post workout.

One exception to this rule is I will spin the day after a heavy ride. I find that my legs are weary, but it really loosens them up and speeds recovery.

If you have any knee pain, I would take it easy on hills / resistance and concentrate on increasing cadence instead. Sorry if this seems self-explanatory, but I had to learn this the hard way.

As director of doping, I also like icing the area in pain post-workout as well as drugs like ibuprofen (Advil/Motrin) or Naproxen (Aleve)...plus, these are TDF-approved medications. (I believe that is what Vino is taking for his knees). I will also use Tiger Balm on sore muscles if they are really bothering me. I used to use that stuff when I ran cross country in high school. (although I think we used 'Atomic Balm' then) It helps warm up the muscles and increases circulation.

Petit Chèvre said...

Thanks for the info. I have tried diligently to take in protiens and replenish after rides as well as fluids during the day. My symptoms seem more stress related -- fatuige, irritability and restlessness -- the mix of job stress and physical stress.

Keep your fingers crossed, my knee feels better after the 66 mile abuse. I really try to work on cadence, ala Lance versus placing demands on my joints like climbing.

We'll see what tomorrow brings!