Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Back In The Saddle

Well, sort of. I got on the trainer last night for half an hour. It is the first time since before vacation that I did anything bike related. My vacation is the topic for a whole other blog entry, suffice to say it was less than spectacular due to illness and horrific airline travel. Anyway, it felt good to spin the meat-sticks.

Today I have a follow-up with the cardiologist. My stress test results showed "an appropriate response" to the physical effort. Not sure what they will say about the ultra-sound. Then Friday it is back to my doc to find out why my elbow has hurt for 3 months now... arthritis, bursitis, amputation...?

The stress of traveling, work and loads of little stuff have me in a gastric and twitching tizzy. I never realized how much the cycling took away many of my "quirks." I have not slept soundly for a week now and have to writhe my legs at night to get any comfort.

I'm a mess! To top it off Marcia Brady IS a whore... WTF?

Spin On

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