Thursday, January 15, 2009

The Day Started...

And ended much the same... going nowhere. I went to Spin last night and had a good workout, felt the best I had all week, in fact. The instructor had us in a race scenario (I won BTW) and the feeling I have been dealing with all week finally hit me: I was going nowhere.

For days I have stared aimlessly at a blank pad of newsprint trying to develop strategies and concepts to no avail. Defeated. Finally I got some exercise -- which was great, but it went nowhere too, like a big hamster wheel. But I am finding those endorphins are key to my happiness and over-all satisfaction. I HATE complainers, so I will stop -- I in fact have much to be thankful for, including my company, it is just that I hit a wall sometimes and feel out of sorts. Hopefully today will be more rewarding:)

One last job topic. Good luck to Jason who has been dealing with some job decisions. He is a talented rider and writer/designer and I wish him the best on his endeavors.

Back to bike builds. I have been ordering parts online and lately sending them back/exchanging them. One particular issue is finding a seat-post that works. You kind of have to damage/ding it to see if it fits -- thus no return. No matter how much I measure, I have problems fining the right one for the vintage frames. Which, I hope to finish all the frames this weekend. I'll miss the paint fumes though.

Spin On

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