Wednesday, July 4, 2007

A Good Day For A Ride

First, Happy 4th of July to everyone. I hope you spend your Independance Day with a safe and happy celebration.

Up early today and had a GREAT ride with my friend and co-worker Mark "Iron Man" H. It was a priviledge to ride with someone who has competed in more than one Iron Man. Felt good to ride with someone too, I have been training solo for a long while. We got through 27+ miles pretty quickly on Sanibel. A little more car traffic then normal due to the parade. Finally feel a little more optimistic about the Mountain Mama and hanging with other riders. Thanks Mark!

Thanks also goes out to James, our IT Guru who helped develop this blogsite -- despite a fractured heel and pain killers:-)

One note on being catabolic. I read if you jump in the shower after a ride and get a wiff of amonia, that means you are going catabolic and need to take steps to repair the damage.

Time to relax and enjoy that Atkins shake with a shot of Stok in it and settle in to a hump-day off.

Happy 4th!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I received my bottle of FRS supplement via UPS today. Kevin got me going with this product after some skeptical review. After deciding that the ingredients were all things that we knew and seemed relatively safe, we started using it prior to rides. I can't say that I notice a difference, but the science supports that it should help. So, I decided to give it another try.

If you have not used FRS before, you can actually get a free sample by going to their website: You just need to pay about $6 in shipping.

Since Kevin started using this product about 3 years ago, Lance is on his wheel and is the official spokesperson for FRS. Leave it to Kevin to be the trailblazer with things new and exciting.

I think this product would actually be good either before riding or even after. The theory is that it will help with performance (the B-vitamins) as well as with muscle damage (all other anti-oxidants).

This discussion leads me to the topic of nutrition overall. You can certainly read many varying opinions out there on this topic. Monique Ryan @ Velonews writes a nutrition column that is available online. You can find the latest entry at:

I don't follow the advice to the letter, but just use it as a guideline.

More on nutrition to follow...

I will bring the FRS to Mountain Mama to include in our pre-race shakes.