Friday, September 7, 2007

Another Tooth In The Cog

Happy Birthday to our BiS Bob who adds another tooth to the chain-ring tomorrow! I hope your year is full of hope, promise and rides.

At the risk of sounding maudlin, here are some perspectives from a Sage a few years older. I'm sure you can count a blessing for every tooth on that gear each day you wake up. First -- you woke up!!, second is family, then friends, then a job and so on and so on. You get the point. I have a tendency of not realizing that I have achieved my goals. I have to stop, look back to see that I have, just not exactly as I had expected. 40 is a good time to do that. You are at a "looking forward" point, a place to set new goals and relish in your past achievements. Old enough to know better, but not everything.

Spin-on and I'll see you at the finish, my friend.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Thanks bro...well said...and I thought KPS was the sage in the group. You've got a great perspective on life and living. It would do me good to emulate you both.

I'm looking forward to enjoying the upcoming century in Maryland with Team R2R.