Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Management Skills (Not)

In this downward real estate sprial, we -- along with everyone else -- have been scrambling to maintain and retain business. Fortunately we have been given some good opportunities. The trade off is stress, long days and little training. I managed Thursday, Friday, Sunday sessions this past weekend, but the distances are falling far short for training for a century like the Seagull. I'm banking on two things: First my Mountain Mama experience and training will still have some effectiveness by October. Secondly, I know the rest of the team is probably in the same boat. While we think it is all flat to rolling hills, I anticipate the distance being a bigger challenge then we thought.

Just a couple more weeks to plan and spin... let's make the most of it -- or settle for the crab and ice-cream ride!

Pedal & Paddle


Anonymous said...


I read some interesting information on some supplementation and wanted to pass it on.

I started taking Branch-Chain Amino Acids (BCAA) about 6 months ago. This is a combination of leucine, isoleucine and valine. My sister is in the nutrition business and suggested I give them a try. Since they all occur naturally in food and are the building blocks to protein, I figure it should be OK.

This stuff has a unique mechanism: it is thought that BCAA prevent 'central fatigue', which is defined as fatigue that comes from the central nervous system (CNS), not the muscles, during periods of prolonged exercise. Central fatigue has been associated with an increase in brain serotonin levels which result from an increase in unbound tryptophan crossing into the brain. BCAAs and tryptophan compete for the same transport into the brain. Therefore, when you take BCAAs, you minimize the effect tryptophan would have on the brain. You know, the same way you feel after you eat turkey and/or celery (both high in tryptophan). When serotonin levels are high in the brain, the body gets fatigued. Actually, tryptophan was used as an OTC sleep aid for many years before it was removed for questionable efficacy.

BCAAs are also thought to reduce protein degradation, produce greater gains in fat-free mass and enhance energy production when taken during intense training.

So, BCAAs may improve mental and physical performance (on the bike that is...keep it PG-13 guys) and conserve muscle glycogen stores.

Several studies have confirmed that the perception of exertion and ratings of mental fatigue were lower in the BCAA group vs. placebo.

So, I feel comfortable endorsing this as a team supplement. See me in the parking lot for another handful of non-descript white capsules...

Petit Chèvre said...

I know that FRS has similar properties but more on the free-radical side of things. Does BCAA have any side effects? Does it have any interactions with Viva Viagra (kidding, geeze:)?

Anonymous said...

minimal side effects for BCAA. Of course, those of us with sensitive stomachs may feel a little distress, but I seem to tolerate just fine.

I haven't combined them with a Martini yet...but imagine we can road test that theory.