Thursday, May 1, 2008

Lift & Spin

Spent Tuesday evening at the gym with the trainer. Worked the legs pretty well with a 2 minute spin between machines. Some upper body and lots of core -- which is cool because I can do that at home, laying down, which is positive in my lazy-a** book.

Last night I got in a faster than normal 16 miles. Despite some wind, mostly cross, I upped the average speed a little which had more of a mental boost than anything else. My HR has been much lower lately. I can honestly say it has to be from less conflict/drama/pressure at work. We have slowed some due to the economy but it puts us at a more comfortable rate of production. It puts me at an uncomfortable level of "bike porn" however.

Tonight is a rest night with an ale or two. Alvaro is stopping by (again) to see the new ride and make adjustments on the 5000. I still can't shift on the fly to the big chain-ring...

Anxious for tomorrow, Emily goes in for another surgical consult. She has become a bit more chronic in her discomfort. Fingers crossed for better than expected news. Of course, can surgery ever be good news?

Spin On

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