Friday, May 2, 2008

A different Perspective

I came in this morning concerned about what the surgeon will tell us about Emily. It is going to be a long day because she got moved to end of the day. I am hopeful we can be proactive with her care and resolve Emily's joint problems.

Then I read the Fat Cyclist blog. I nearly wept. His latest post "Like Dandelion Seeds" is heart wrenching. His wife has been battling cancer for some time now and just recovering from hip replacement. If you have some time, send his family some words of encouragement -- they need it more than ever.

Then I got a call from a friend who is going through some family issues and facing heavy decisions. Best of luck, dear friends.

So, I had to think hard about my own feelings. My perspectives are certainly different, as are my motivations. I'm not a big fan of "could be worse" but, I am a proponent of "be thankful for what you have". And I am.

Going to try and get in another series of rides and some distance this weekend.

Spin On.

1 comment:

Andrea Spencer said...

Today's ride was converted into building a stone wall for my mother-in-law ... training of a different sort for sure! Waves of less that positive news have been arriving lately. Cycling and all things related are definitely aspirational and motivating. A sense of future and freedom, waiting out there over the next rise ... around the next bend. Perspective is so vital to get correct. It's the daily challenge. So let's get it right and have some fun along the journey.