Monday, July 7, 2008

Troll Booth Keeper

Lots of events this weekend, from July 4th to rides. But the thing that "got my goat" was the Sanibel "Troll" Booth again. I was again flagged down trying to go over the bridge. "She" insisted I use the sidewalk they put in. I told her it was too slow and dangerous to use. "I don't care" was the reply. I insisted (as I used the sidewalk) that the slowdown and position was not safe. "I don't care, complain to the County" was the reply. I stated that I thought it was ridiculous. PING! The magic words "Bikes are taking money away". Aaah, money, the root of all evil. For years -- decades actually, you could ride the bridge at no cost as a cyclist. The new bridge opened less than a year ago. Now a month ago they make us use a slow and dangerous sidewalk to go through the Troll area. I felt like shouting "Same rules, same rights" but realized I would then be subject to the $6 toll. I will be seeking some support and information from the local clubs and shops before contacting the County.

Rides: Friday was a casual neighborhood spin on the 6K. Should have been 24 but I felt lazy and tight after weights Thursday. Saturday I did 24. Felt good despite the heat. I was pretty worried about what the vet would tell us after checking Emily, she had been having a rough week. Fortunately she said she noted no more deterioration and changed from aspirin to Rimadyl. Emily seems be feeling better which, in turn gave me a little more spänk in my legs.

Sunday I set out for 65. I only managed 61+ because it was so f**king hot! I was feeling weak after the last climb home and my HR was climbing slowly. I knew it was more important to cool down then hit the mileage. I needed shade, AC and hydration. I was able to watch the end of Wimbledon, TdF and Olympic trials. It was a TV Tri-fecta!

Spin On

1 comment:

Travis said...

Sounds like a good weekend of riding...not to mention the tennis, was a hell of a match.

Glad to hear Emily is hanging tough