Thursday, December 4, 2008

Age Spotted

One week ago it was my birthday. I have reached the ripe old age of 47. Don't feel it, but there you have it, I am probably genetically just past middle age.

I had a great day. Sushi for lunch, closed early and hit some bike shops, dismantled an old Schwinn for parts and the off to spin class. It was a hard, cardio workout which I undid with a Chimay to celebrate:)

Thanksgiving was spent with friends and ended around a bonfire in the "cold" for us Floridians.

Friday pressure cleaned the house and nursed some brain cells back from the abyss. I enjoy red wine to a fault;)

Saturday bike rehab and chores. Sunday lights up. I really began to spot my age -- sadly. A nagging elbow which has persisted for six months flared up and I was sore. I had had it with the elbow so today saw an elbow surgeon. Arthritis, fortunately mild. He indicated that it should not effect any activity as long as I try to keep it from full extension and take an anti-inflammatory as needed. I hope to be done with medical test for a long while and keep the blog to bikes and dogs. Speaking of which makes me feel really bad for Emily with all her joint problems. Gladly she seems to be okay.

My day was made when my new fixie wheels arrived along with a stem, bullhorn bars and a Brooks limited edition saddle. The weather outside was PERFECT for riding. My job however got in the way. I am loving this build thing. The research and shopping are a blast. I only wish I had more time for the mechanics and some riding -- it has been way to long since my cheeks hit the saddle. Maybe this weekend.

Spin On

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