Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Oh yeah, I have a job

Yesterday was a full day of meetings which kept me working late so I missed the Tour and had to do the afore mentioned short spin yesterday morning. As my buddy Mark H. says though "at least you got on the bike". I am enjoying the banter and the nutritional learning curve though. I am trying to get back on the road tonight with my repositioned bars.

Donations are rolling in -- thank you to all who have helped out. It is great motivation.

Pedal & Paddle


Petit Chèvre said...

Moots Point

Checked out the Web site and looked at the bike. I'm not really familiar with the company but they look like they build a good ride. I tried to by a Moots Anniversary Cabernet for VA but they were all sold out.
I lust after bikes all the time -- my current passion is the new Trek Madone. It's just like mine now, a bit lighter and $3000 more.

My theory is that cars and bikes are the equivalent to a modern day Harem. We cannot posses many wives, so we crave other creatures of beauty.

Anonymous said...

We can't? I thought that's why I moved to Virginia...oh wait, that's Utah. DOH!

I agree with you on the bike/car thing though...I try to go 'kick tires' on both species as often as I can.