Thursday, August 23, 2007

A Little Spin

Work and weather allowed so I got out for a little spin last night for about an hour. Though my training hasn't been to the level I would hope for, as Jason Mahokey at said, it keeps my "meat sticks" from turning into sticks of butter. Lots of head wind yesterday which is oddly a challenge like hills, but different. It does raise the heart rate and ping the legs.

Team jersey's sould be in process by now -- hopefully we will be "geared up" by Seagull.

K-Spun suggested matching socks and shorts. I looked at but no dog oriented designs. They do custom as well but time is short.

Gotta Go

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The jersey looks great...and what a fun collaboration. I think the matching shorts and socks would really make us long as the shorts weren't white. You know it typically rains during Seagull and I don't even want to begin to think about wet, white shorts...I'd rather go without. The socks might be another item for fundraising if you have extra. We probably would not have them in time for Seagull, but Team R2R will certainly have future rides on the calendar.