Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Still Feelin' It

Wow! I guess I did myself in on Sunday. Still feeling the effects of the ride with over-training symptoms. I can't tell if the chest ache is from muscle (like heart muscle) or ligaments. Stress hits me that way too. I did note some salt on my shorts after I finshed -- what was the electrolyte pill link? In any event, tonight is off for meeting anyway.

Bike is all clean and ready to go -- when ever I am.

Really looking forward to pushing the Team R2R concepts. I will work out some stickers for our rides (four and two wheel).

More later.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your director of doping recommneds Endurolytes by Hammer Nutrition. You remember, those non-descript white capsules that we were all 'popping' at the reststops during 'Mama'. The guidelines vary based on how much you are sweating, but I tend to take 2 caps prior to a long ride/event and then 2 @ each rest stop, which is typically every 20 or so miles. I find these easy on the stomach and I believe our team was cramp-free for 'Mama' and that is a feat in itself considering the abuse we took.

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