Monday, August 20, 2007

Training resumed last week. I wanted to take a week of two off but mind, body and the pending Seagull Century wouldn't allow it. Friday was to be riding day, but the body/mind said "no." Saturday I got a little later then wanted start and just did 14 of 16 but the heat had really cranked up. I am still feeling the effects of yesterdays 40/2:25 ride with Mark H. We took it out well and had a consistently good ride. The way back was rough. Headwind all the way. I was feeling a bonk coming on -- glad we stopped when we did. The way out was cool and comfortable and I know I did not hydrate enough. Started cramping a little at 25 miles. I felt bad because Mark was feeling strong and thinking about his racing days. But, like a real team member, he found a gear that allowed me to keep up. Thanks! Maybe Mama beat me more then I thought!

I have to re-evaluate my heart monitor settings. I should be at 175 bpm for my max according the the book. I think I am a little higher. I ran between 174 and 177 for ten miles. Like Mark said, that is eather really good or really ineffcient. I feel like I have squirrel heart beating in my chest! Anyway, today is a rest day as I await the arrival of my ebay purchase, a carbon Botnrager triple crank, new in box for a steal of a deal.

Spin on.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Best laid plans...that sums up my weekend regarding rides. I could say I got a number of rides in, but that would be rollercoasters and not miles on the bike. I planned to ride on Sunday but got washed out with monsoon-style rain. So...maybe this Wednesday night. A local group that I used to train with has rides going out most Wednesday nights post-work. Some are even training for Seagull, so might be good to keep the cadence with this group.

No new updates on equipment at this time. I have been out of communication with my dealer, uh, I mean training buddy that has some components for sale. However, still enjoying the new Rolf wheels...superfast! (that is, when they are not plastered with cowdung...inside 'Mama' joke)

Good to see the jersey coming together. Are we official or what? Hats off to the brilliant design team @ R2R.

Ride on...