Friday, January 18, 2008


Age and meds seemingl go hand in hand (or hand to mouth more accurately). A seeming rash of reflux is plauging the team -- at least two of us have "issues". Nothing like a big white barium swallow turd to curve the appetite. I may never eat a brat again.

Anyway, I think some of the change/lack of reflux meds have effected my power curve. I felt really bloated and slow for the past week -- job stress/requirements have not helped. I am at that point where I know I need to train to feel good, but don't feel quite good enough to train. I hope tomorrow's spin class will break that cycle (no pun intended).

The weather down here has been damp and foggy. No reason not to hit the road and I feel a little guilty not riding while my brothers are relegated to indoor training. February will spell the change I hope where obligations will smooth out and I can return to a normal training routine.

Well, it's finally Friday and a cold Chimay is calling. Thank Heaven for Belgian carbs.

Be safe and spin on.

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