Thursday, January 31, 2008

Doggie Downer

Well we are having some problems with our Emily (she bears a striking resemblance to the Team R2R Lab). Her usually happy-go-lucky demeanor changed suddenly, she had an accident (or two) in the house and stopped eating and drinking. Not eating for a Lab is serious -- they are four-legged vacuums! Ran home to check on her and she was getting a swelling on her head. Of course our vet closes on Wednesdays... off the the 24 Hour Doggie ER we went. Four+ hours later she seems to have some infections in her digestive tract. By the way, the swelling went down by the time we got to the ER. We suspect the irritation may have been caused by her raid and subsequent consumption of a rabbit warren in our back yard. Antibiotics and a pat on the head and home we went. Both Emily and I were exhausted, but thankfully hungry. No training that night.

Today she woke up and would not stand on a rear leg! It did not stop -- we thought maybe it fell asleep and freaked her out a little, she is a worrier (gets it from her old man). Off to our vet. Blood work and x-rays indicate GI infection and most surprising to us "Horrible" hips. That may have spawned the bad leg. Now it is time to weigh options. We have to get a surgeon consultation to know just what to do but she can't loose more muscle mass. Poor baby.

All the anxiety an missed work means no Core Class for me tonight, maybe a spin on the trainer. This is very troubling for me because of the waiting an inability to be pro-active.

Thanks "Long Goat" for the updates on your health and training -- don't over-due!

Spin On

1 comment:

Travis said...

Best of luck with E and keep the updates coming, I'll be waiting to hear the out come.

Nothing bets a dogs love.