Monday, May 12, 2008

Training Wheels

First, for my dedicated readers (both of you) I changed the template to make the blog easier to read. The chunky type on reverse was too much eye strain for my aging optics.

Friday was a yard/birthday night. Nifi had a nice birthday -- lots of things to exchange or return. I knew if she was not thrilled with her birthday, Mother's day was going to suck for her -- started to develop plan B. Nice dinner, great wine and time with the girls for a late night stroll.

Saturday was up and at-em for Spin class. It was tough. The teacher was in a bad mood, I think, and took it out on us. People were bitching about the reconfigured space and little AC but it was fine for me, I consume tons of fluid so I never felt too depleted. I was ready to do some weights but felt it was not in my best interest since I was planning 50 for Sunday. Plus I had to enact Plan B. Ran errands all over town and got home to finish up the yard. Worked on the 6000 -- cool Ergon grips, thanks to some advice from Alvelo, they fit perfectly. Hanging Saturday night.

Sunday it was up, fuel, prep and head out for the 50 mile ride. I was not feeling it for a long while. I was into the wind, climbing the causeway was more difficult -- burning lungs, slow cadence and speed. My legs felt like two sausage casings filled with lead. I was trudging into the wind (hopeful that I would have some tailwind home) at a slower than normal average speed and high heart rate. I wanted to bag it. I was at the "why am I doing this?" point of training. I knew if I could push past that I would be okay. I made the half way destination, re-fueled, re-focused and headed back glad to have some tailwind this time.

By the time I hit the causeway back I sprinted over it 6+ MPH faster than on the original climb. It felt wonderful, plus I looked down and I was in a higher gear than I had planned -- bonus points! I ended up hitting the 40 mile mark just 17 seconds off two weeks ago surprisingly. The last 10 miles was a circuit around the neighborhood, with and without wind. I finished the 50 in 3:19. Guess that was okay based on how I started.

My body was showing signs of over-training during the night, restlessness, discomfort but today is a rest day.

I think a new saddle is in order. I am not digging the Bontrager and it distracts from my focus -- when you're focusing on your own a**. I'll take suggestions from the gallery on good saddles, please.

Spin On


Spengahli said...

PC ... great job on the long haul! Most of my rides and training is so time-limited that it ends up feeling like interval training. Last night on the Expresso trainer I logged 7 miles in 24 minutes then checked my stats against the nation of Expresso riders and the top time in the land for the same route and elevation was 14 minutes! ... (I felt inadequate). Today is a spin nooner at the Y. That usually ends up being one big sprint as well, including a speed shower and wolfing down a protein smoothie (urp!) followed by wrinkled clothing and bad hair for the rest of the day(nothing new there ...)

Petit Chèvre said...

Thanks for the nod. I try hard to focus on the distance but my internal competitive clock seems to get the best of me and I end up racing the clock.

Good luck at the gym -- weights for me tonight.

Spin On