Wednesday, May 7, 2008


Weight: As in mine and increase in lifting.

Last night was time at the gym with the trainer. We upped the leg weight a little and used more machines in faster succession. It was fun and better cardio. The most painful thing? My sunburn, still tender to the touch. Still can't seem to lose that extra 5-7 LBS despite my efforts.

Nifi is out tonight so it's me and the girls. I hope to pull the 6000 in and accomplish what I did not get done on it last night. Took all my might to remove one grip! But hey, i'm a roadie and we are not known for upper body strength.

Thanks to all those visiting the Ride2TheRescue site, pledging and bolgging. This little grass roots effort has legs!

Spin On.

1 comment:

Andrea Spencer said...

I've lost some steam today as well ... after attending the funeral of a friend's 25-year-old son yesterday. He hit a tree on rural highway on his way home - 3 houses down from their house. Life can be short. Make it count. Fat Tire Susan's story reminds of this all too well also. Lot's to do - so we better all get moving! "Hump Day" is as good as any day to start!