Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Meat Pistons

Yesterday was a weird day. I was back from vacation, the dew was quickly off the lily and I wanted to curl up and ignore everyone. That is, of course, impossible. I did my best to remain silent and reserve the energy for a ride after work. I was amazed, first that I followed through and rode, secondly that the rain stayed away and lastly that I had one of my best average speed days in a long while. I managed 20+ miles and could of cranked a little longer but as I mentioned, it was a long day.

The highlight was smoking a Vespa on the long straight away road. Granted, I had a little tail wind, I started back with a running start as the the Vespa was near a dead stop and was probably running on a half cylinder. Still, I'll take Man Vs. Machine any day.

No ride or weights tonight, playing catch-up at work.

Spin On


MtnBikeChic said...

Welcome back man, can't wait to hear all the details

Travis said...

Sorry, that was me posting. Did not know the wifey was signed in.

Always, welcome back.