Friday, September 26, 2008

Smokin' Slack

I never forget a face, but in your case I'll be glad to make an exception. GM

I noted, looking in the mirror as I got ready for work, between the shaved torso and legs, my front looked a lot like Grouch Marx peeking out of a ghostly white curtain (smoking a VERY large cigar:)

Glad I trimmed up for the cardio tests, lots of sticky electrodes and gels. The treadmill test went fine. I got up to 182 BPM and had more in me but I hate running, I was thirsty and dripping sweat. The attendant said the readings looked fine. The ultra-sound tech gave no indications (other than she loved to run). Aside from one odd scowl at the screen she was non-partisan. When she did turn on the sound there was either The Blue Man Group performing with PVC pipes or a small barking dog. Hmmm.

Trying to avoid catching the Nifi's cold... so rides this weekend will be dedicated to not getting sick. That probably means being a ride-slacker.

Spin On

1 comment:

Spengahli said...

I put in 25 last weekend - a nice fast ride, but probably not what's needed for century prep. I plan to do three, 33 mile rides for the Seagull. Time now to start lining up for the ride ... packing, tuning, one last push on Wednesday for me and then the taper. Weather looks to be good. It will be great to get out on the road with 5,000 friends. PC, please be sure to point out the 60 mile point-of-no return and shuttle stop to "Flat" and me, just incase their is a bailout at hand!