Friday, February 29, 2008

Signs Of A Mid-Life Crisis

"Honey, I want a new haircut and a tattoo."

Now I know I have a good wife when neither desire phased her. She gently steered me away from getting inked. My only real concern is I have no spot to put one without it eventually being obscured with body hair. Again, sorry for the mental image. I even went so far as to stay up too late watching "LA Ink". I was left wondering why so many good looking people cover themselves head to toe with such obnoxious images -- and where I was going to put mine and what should it be. Fortunately I awoke less inclined to get that Red Dragon Tattoo -- great Weezer song.

My crisis will undoubtedly unfold on the blog pages, but for now I need to re-focus on training and my coif.

Spin On

1 comment:

Andrea Spencer said...

Web logging sounds like a nice safe place to exercise one's mid-life crisis ... hey I thought you already had that? (Oh yeah, that was the sexual peak that occurred in the Micky D's drive through!) Either way, it beats binge spending and leaving one's wife ... I'm think I'm actually suffering from a crisis echo. There has been a lot of mind-numbing frustration and feeling "old" lately. I've started to ease into some training lately though and a little bit of movement goes a long ways. Will fit a Sat or Sunday ride in and then pick up the pace at the Y 3 x per week and stick with that. Looking forward to a Spring ride with Team R2R. I have a couple of potential recruits for this years Mt. Mama ... to be continued.