Thursday, February 14, 2008


Okay, I'm not much for getting on a soap box and stumping opinions, but as I sipped a 2004 Green Point Shiraz I got pissed (in an American angry way, not the British drunken way) as I watched the news and they covered -- in the high court -- the baseball steroid hearings. Now, the same day it was announced that Team Astaná was barred from the Giro Italia AND the Tour de France for steroid abuse. Consider this: all three men who stood on the podium in 2007 are now banned from riding... their case never vetted in a true court. Landis is still fighting it. Concador -- the proclaimed winner of last year's Tour is suspect, not tried and Leipheimer is an innocent victim of circumstance!

Now I don't condone doping, it is wrong and soils the sport. But I do support justice and innocence until proven guilty. I believe the punishment does not fit the crime.

Getting off the Soap Box now. Maybe I can work out some of my angst in Core Class tonight.

Spin On.

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